Moving house, be it a local move or international move it can be a very exciting yet stressful time, especially if the move is unplanned or is due to uncertainty. Today we are battling with a global calamity of COVID-19. All we can do is to Trust the Wait, Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible. Hence in order to be positive and to utilize the time wisely and effectively thought to de-clutter the house and get organized in case we have to move in the near future.
So here are 5 tips that I am personally using to utilize the free time in hand in case we plan to move locally or relocate in the near future.
1. Go through Your Closet
Chances are your closet is filled with items that you no longer fit or haven’t worn in ages. Thoroughly go through your closet, more than likely you will find even more items you no longer need to keep which you could clear out. When you are tight on money it can be hard to let go of things, even when you can no longer fit or wear them. So by putting time in between each closet clear out you will more than likely be able to get rid of even more items you no longer wear.
2. Decrease the Clutter
Clutter creeps up on us all.
Slowly yet surely things will begin to gather in our home that we don’t need or no longer use.
Pick a room or one area in the house to declutter. That way when it comes time to move you won’t be taking any unnecessary items, decor, or trash to your new home. Speaking of trash.
3. Get Rid of Trash
Yes. You read that right. We should all just be honest with ourselves & admit that we all have a little pack rat in us. It happens. Not something to be proud of. But admitting it is the first step. Whether its old letters, shipping boxes/envelopes, or candles with no wick left to burn, more than likely you have things that need to go in the trash.
4. Donate & Sell online (or 2 or 3)
Chances are that after steps 1-3 you will have tons of things you can either sell online or donate. While donating is great & something I personally do, selling online is also a nice option for those who would like to make some extra cash to help with the moving expenses.
5. Start Packing boxes and Label the boxes
I know this might sound crazy, but it is possible. If you have a small extra room or closet that is rarely used, such as a laundry room, office, or guest bedroom you can slowly start packing up the non-essentials in boxes and label the boxes. By labeling the box it will be easier to locate the items in case needed.